I run a research group that aims to extract social science inferences from text and other unstructured data here at the University of Pittsburgh. A hallmark of the lab is collaboration between all the members. Our current projects cover areas including human rights, horizontal inequalities, forecasting of conflict, and the intersection of digital technology, artificial intelligence, and democracy. We innovate computational resources that leverage machine learning/AI, knowledge graphs, natural language processing, Bayesian statistics, optimal transport, agent-based modeling, and network science to make progress on core social science questions. Former members have gone on to exciting opportunities in academia, government, and industry.
Merve Keskin | PhD Student, University of Pittsburgh
Laura Beghini Chelidonopoulos | PhD Student, University of Pittsburgh
Zhejun Qiu | PhD Student, University of Pittsburgh
Qing Chang | Post-Doc, School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh
Minsu Jang | Post-Doc, Statistics and Quantitative Methods, University of Milano-Bicocca
Past (with ReDSCAIP and Text(Col)Lab)
Bree Bang-Jensen | Former Post-Doc
Daniel Gustafson (starting May 2020!) | Former Post-Doc
Kevin Greene | Former PhD Student
Yingfan Zhou | Former PhD Student
Haonan Duan | Former Masters Student
Nikunj Goel | Former Masters Student
Sai Pradeep Peri | Former Masters Student
Anna Baskin | Former Undergraduate Researcher
Baekkwan Park | Former Post-Doc
Matthew Jackson | Former PhD Student
Sidhi Srinivasachar | Former Undergraduate Researcher
Stephen Kandrak | Former Undergraduate Researcher
Bria Pullin | Former Undergraduate Researcher
Mitchell Luckman | Former Undergraduate Researcher
Azad Niroomand | Former Undergraduate Researcher
Annisa Chaudari | Former Undergraduate Researcher
Zuhaib Mahmood | Former PhD Student
Lora DiBlasi | Former PhD Student
Understanding Adversarial Influence Campaigns in the Age of Digital Surveillance and Generative AI with a Multiplex, Agent-Based Model | Modeling the influence of adTech surveillance and GenAI through social media on Democracy
Populist PULSAR | Measuring the populist narratives with network motifs
Using Knowledge Graphs to Organize Spatial and Social Information on Horizontal Inequalities | Organizing the concepts on armed actors, locations, and social groups into a wikidata-linked KG
High resolution conflict forecasting | creating a policy-relevant early warning system